How’s Panda fuel tanker applicable road conditions in Sudan?
What kind of feature should a fuel tanker be with if running on the road in Sudan? It’s a sharp question as the working condition from Sudan port to Khartoum is too bad. Within the 900km trip,high temperature and bad road are the main factors that require the tanker trailer to be with strong quality,especially to be with very tough suspension system as the bumpy road there.

The above are what we were told by client when we just started to touch on his demand. Holding these concern for a fuel tanker, the Sudan client finally selected Panda as his first China supplier of fuel tanker as before he purchased only from Euro.

After confirm all requirements from client, we started to produce. Our sales person kept updating photos on each process,after 40days production,tanker units finished. As the request of client, we take a video of the whole tanker unit from each parts.

The fuel tanker is made according to ADR standard meanwhile meeting with the requirements of Sudan local regulation, equipped with BPW axle,WABCO braking system and Euro standard charging/discharging components.

All Panda vehicles shall be covered by twice wax so as to keep unit from being rusted by sea.

Client received his loved fuel tanker after 35days sailing time, and he gave us feedback after 1 year using. As showed by pictures, our fuel tanker keeps perfect condition even on bad road.

May Panda fuel tanker continue to provide value to more clients in Sudan.